Business Name:

Angel’s Paradise

Business Location:

Wagga Wagga, NSW


Business Overview:

Angel’s Paradise is an adaptive montessori child care centre based in Revesby, Hinchinbook and Wagga Wagga who provide a stimulating environment that helps increase each child’s capacity to learn, develop, explore and imagine.

Services Overview:

With three locations spread from Sydney to Wagga Wagga, the management team at Angel’s Paradise needed a way for all the centres documents and images accessible from any location, or even away from a centre completely, as well as management of some on-going digital projects including accessing remote camera systems and on-site PCs when not in a centre. VTO was able to fix these issues utilising the Office 365 platform for access anywhere documents and security of their data and emails as well as work with local providers to rectify all outstanding digital issues.

Project Percentages
Web Design
Webmaster Services
Digital Marketing Consultancy
Cloud Systems
Project Management
Internet and Telephony

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